《12 Years a Slave》
Robert: I say we fight.
Solomon Northup: The crew is fairly small. If it were well planned, I believe they could be strong armed.
Clemens: Three can't stand against a whole crew. The rest here are niggers, born and bred slaves. Niggers ain't got the stomach for a fight, not a damn one.
Robert: All I know, we get where we traveling we'll wish we'd died trying.
Clemens: Survival is not about certain death, it is about keeping your head down.
Solomon Northup: Days ago I was with my family, in my home. Now you tell me all is lost. "Tell no one who I really am" if I want to survive. I don't want to survive, I want to live.
《The Lunchbox》
Saajan Fernandes: When my wife died, she got a horizontal burial cot... I tried to buy a burial cot for myself the other day, and what they offered me was a vertical one... I've spent my whole life standing in trains and buses... now I'll even have to stand when I'm dead!
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回覆刪除係, 除咗12 Years a Slave有少少失望, 不過唔係部戲既問題, 係我睇唔慣Steve McQueen 拍d咁公整既嘢啫.
刪除"12 years a slave"實在太過工整穩陣,看得不是味兒,michael fassbender亦失去神采。贏得「最佳電影」,相信那份spirit of humanity居功不少吧 (典型奧斯卡式套路,長期有效)。
刪除尤其係相比前作Hunger, 12 Year A Slave真係有d失色. 不過講題材, 就真係有哂Oscar Best Picture的元素.
刪除反而戲份少既Benedict Cumberbatch 就好搶眼, 靚仔佢就一定談不上, 但好有貴族氣質.
刪除benedict cumberbatch扮高智福爾摩斯都有型有款 (雖然套劇幾麻麻),反而"august: osage county"裡面的角色就太平凡,唔啱佢演亦唔知點解要搵佢。
《白宮管家》我呢邊都未上, 其實我連Wolf of Wall Street都未有時間睇, Lars von Trier同Wes Anderson新片又殺緊埋嚟, 好忙好忙! 我啱啱响Facebook至見到人鬧HKIFF今年無《天注定》, 好似話香港已經有發行商, 但hold住唔敢放.
刪除睇奧斯卡我主要想睇靚人靚衫, 不過今年表演嘉賓有Karen O, 令我多咗期待.
《12 Years of Slave》拿了幾個獎,現在我又想看了。:D 其實我是有點怕看裡頭的虐待場面。
Karen O唱的那首歌很sweet啊~
刪除狄卡比奧敗北後,不斷在9 gag被捉挾,很好笑。我覺得他真的是遭matthew mcconaughey比了下去,輸得「實至名歸」。
"the moon song"是全晚最美麗的時刻!有天陳綺貞一定會唱這歌! :)
@芝: 又放《鬼子來了》, 唔通因為香川照之? 《12 Years of Slave》d虐待場面唔係好多, 起碼我咁怕血既人都接受到.
刪除@inanna:真係既生瑜, 何生亮, 如果今屆無Matthew Mcconaughey, 小金人應該跟咗DiCaprio返屋企咯.
温婉既Karen O, 我鍾意 :)
講真,即使贏了奧斯卡,但我始終提不起興趣看《12 Years a Slave》,除了感覺是典型荷里活動stereotype外,另對黑奴題材沒興趣(縱使上次Quentin Tarantino的《Django Unchained》真的幾好)。
回覆刪除九部影片提名之中,我個人是喜歡《The Wolf of Wall Street》及《Nebraska》的,最不喜歡是《American Hustle》(故此片當晚捧蛋收場,我覺得非常「實至名歸」)。
Best picture 我會揀《Nebraska》, June Squibb直情應該攞最佳女配角添! 淨係墳場果一幕已經笑死我.
刪除《12 Years a Slave》又唔係差既, 四平八穏毫無驚喜囉, 對Steve McQueen我相信好多觀眾有更高期望嘛.
我反而唔多頂得順 Nebraska,太 stereotype 了。Best Picture 我唔識揀,但係之前就好希望 Dallas Buyers Club 贏到最佳劇本。
刪除12 Years a Slave 我已經放棄左,宜家等緊 Her 同埋 Wes Anderson 的新作!:D
Best Picture我也是選《Nebraska》,我覺得此片是Alexander Payne繼《Sideways》後另一佳作,且我喜歡片中一家人之間的和諧、及描述父子間的關係。另頭Lili妳說得對,June Squibb真的演得好,戲份不多但搶鏡,「最佳女配角」我也是選她。
刪除至於Best Director,我是屬意Martin Scorsese,《The Wolf of Wall Street》的導技手法真的好掂,可以把本來極不討好的題材拍得好看非常,三小時中,每個鏡頭均非常好看、很有張力。Best Actor我是選Leonardo DiCaprio,他近幾年的演技已越來越精湛、越見成熟,且他在此片演得很有confident,好掂(Matthew McConaughey在《Dallas Buyers Club》也演得好,故不反對他勝出)。另「最佳原著劇本」我是選《Nebraska》(但《Her》也不俗,很有創意),「最佳改編劇本」我則選《The Wolf of Wall Street》的。至於Best Actress及Best Supporting Actor,則是選現得獎者那兩位。
@栗子妹: Dallas Buyers Club最出色係人物, 尤其係Matthew McConaughey 同Jared Leto一剛一柔既配搭真係好得無可挑剔.
刪除@Vincent: 除咗對手强之外, 我諗另一「死因」係Leonardo DiCaprio真係演得太多larger than life既角色, 大家都習慣咗, 難以發現佢既突破. Best Directing我都屬意Martin Scorsese, 其實我無睇Gravity, 因為好怕睇Sandra Bullock(原因不詳, 總之好怕見到佢個樣)
刪除老實講,我真不明白sandra bullock有甚麼演技,她以"the blind side"贏出奧斯卡那一屆,我覺得其他獲提名的每個女主角都演得比她好。她還是演選美肖臥底較為適合。
回覆刪除我覺得Sandra Bullock演得最好看還是《While You Were Sleeping》,另沒錯,她真的沒什麼演技可言,我也甚少看她主演得電影。講真,《Gravity》若換了別的女演員去演,效果會更好。
刪除Sandra Bullock係我心目中一個大迷團 --- 演技平平, 無美貎, 無型格, 但竟然可以立足於荷里活一線之列.